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Data Governance : A Data Lineage Guide

Data lineage is a vital component of data management, and it involves keeping track of the path that data takes from its creation to its usage in various contexts. Data lineage is essential because it provides visibility and understanding into the source and quality of the…

Lambda vs Kappa Architecture: A Data Engineer Prospective

Introduction: Data engineers are responsible for designing, building, and maintaining data processing systems that allow organisations to collect, store, process, and analyse large amounts of data. With the rise of cloud computing and the increasing demand for scalable and fault-tolerant data processing systems, serverless architectures like…

Deploying Recommendation Engine on AWS Infra.

Introduction Personalization is the key to the success of e-commerce websites. Consumers today are expecting more personalized experiences from brands, and e-commerce companies are no exception. Personalized recommendations can help e-commerce websites provide an enhanced user experience, increase customer satisfaction, and boost revenue. A recommendation engine…

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